Elegant Cloister GardenAs one strolls out of the Fellowship hall at the Community Church in Vero Beach, Florida, feeling the warm sun on their face and the enjoying the peaceful tranquility of the Community Church’s inner courtyard, one can’t help but notice the beautiful stone centerpiece of the elegant cloister garden.

Once an old, uncomfortable brick-and-paver courtyard, the newly renovated cloister garden-updated when the church renovated their Fellowship Hall–now features a twenty-five foot stone mosaic as the garden’s centerpiece. 

Comprised of a variety of different and subtle stone hues intertwining with the predominant and majestic blue Azul Bahia granite, the design element lends itself to the effect of soothing ocean waves. Around the edge of the large medallion are benches, fountain caps, and large planter boxes made of Kashmir White marble, all enhancing and complementing the centerpiece, perfectly accenting the blue granite and green foliage of the vibrant garden. 

In addition to the Azul Bahia and White Kashmir, other stones used in this beautiful design include Amber Gold, Royal Sable, Iridium, Sierra White (all different types of granite), and Keota Valley limestone.

As the summer greenery shimmers with golden sunlight and the patterns of stone appear infinite in their intricacy, one can’t help but pause and enjoy, even if just for a minute, the peaceful solitude of the new Community Church courtyard.

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